"The Quality Care Your Pet Deserves"
Animal lovers!
Insured & Bonded!
Certified Pet sitters!
Dog walker Professionals!
Cat sitter Professionals!
Five stars on Yelp!
Top-rated Business since 2014.
Why Choose Never Alone Pets?
​Established in 2014, Never Alone Pets is a small, locally-owned business born out of passion, dedication, responsibility, and love.
All of our team are animal lovers and had a long training process before working with us!
We have the most reliable professionals in the area!
We are a top-rated pet service in Astoria and Manhattan!
We take the safety of your pet and the security of your home very seriously.
We love pets like a family member; if you do too, we are the right service for you! :)
Our name describes our business, with Never Alone Pets your pet will never feel alone!
We are bonded and we are Insured by Pet sitters Associates.
We don't charge anything extra for last-minute requests.
Our team is available 365 days a year​.
Our walkers or sitters will send real-time updates in each walk or visit.
We never cancel.
We will always try our best to make the walks and visits in the time you request, even with the last minute or changes in the regular schedule.
We are proud of ourselves for the High-standard of care and services that we offer!
We hope to get the chance to meet you and your lovely pet soon!
Never Alone Pets team.